Discover the CLM Revolution: Metadata and AI

Bigle Legal's Contract Lifecycle Management solution features artificial intelligence and metadata to classify and control the entire contract process like never before.

How Bigle Legal works? | Quick platform overview

Discover what's behind the automation platform of Bigle Legal! Find out the features, and how they work thanks to this quick overview from the software.

Bigle Legal - NOAH17 London Startups

Company Pitch by Sergio Esteve de Miguel, Co-Founder & CMO of Bigle Legal at the NOAH Conference 2017 in London, Old Billingsgate 2-3 November 2017.

Automating contracts made simple - Word editor feature from Bigle Legal.

The word editor feature from Bigle Legal facilitates the process of automating documents and contracts.

John Federico’s opinion of our platform | Most interesting features!

John Federico gives his opinion of Bigle Legal after having a demo of the platform. He talks about some of the features he found interesting.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 887900
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